Get Started

To get started, make sure that LFi Bridge supports the blockchain networks that you want to bridge.

Get Started

Follow these steps to use the LFi Bridge:

  1. Make sure that LFi Bridge supports the blockchain networks that you want to bridge. You can check the supported blockchain networks on the website (coming soon).

  2. Connect your wallet: Link your Metamask to the LFi Bridge platform. This allows the transfer of assets between different blockchains.

  3. Choose the assets to bridge: After connecting your wallet, select the assets you wish to bridge. For instance, to bridge LFi Polygon Matic to LFi ERC20, choose the LFi Polygon Matic asset on the Polygon Matic network and the LFi ERC20 asset on the Ethereum network.

  4. Start the transfer: Having selected your assets, initiate the transfer. LFi Bridge will then manage the asset movement between the two blockchain networks.

  5. Approve the transaction: When the transfer starts, you'll need to confirm the transaction. This might require a fee, dependent on the platform you're using.

  6. Wait for completion: The transaction will require some time to finish, based on the speed of the involved blockchain networks.

When the transaction is finished, the bridged assets will be visible in your wallet on the receiving blockchain network.

Last updated