What is LFi Bridge?

LFi Bridge is a platform that connects multiple blockchain networks for seamless communication and transfer of data or assets between them.

What Is LFi Bridge?

LFi Bridge is a platform that connects multiple blockchain networks, enabling seamless communication and transfer of data or assets between them. Acting as an intermediary, it facilitates cross-chain transactions, allowing users to interact across different blockchain protocols.

The LFi Bridge operates through the following key attributes:

  1. Fungible Token Bridge: It facilitates the transfer of tokens between different chains using liquidity pools. This approach offers flexibility in terms of deposit and claim methods while minimizing the risk of hacks compared to bridges with minter roles.

  2. Chain Support: LFi Bridge currently supports bridging between ETH and Polygon chains. Furthermore, support for additional networks will be added in the near future, allowing users to bridge tokens across a broader range of chains.

  3. Security-Focused Architecture: The LFi Bridge has undergone rigorous internal and external audits to ensure a robust security framework. The architecture is designed with a focus on maintaining the utmost security standards to safeguard user assets during the bridging process.

Why LFi Bridge?

Every exchange has a limited number of supported chains, which can exclude transactions involving LFi tokens on exchanges that do not support the Polygon Matic protocol.

LFi Bridge is designed to enable the listing and trading of LFi tokens anywhere. How does it work?

With the LFi Bridge service, users can convert LFi tokens from Polygon to other chains, such as ERC20.

Starting from a decentralized wallet as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Wallet Connect, users can initiate the conversion to another chain. Once the conversion is completed, LFi tokens can be sent to exchanges (both centralized and decentralized).

To know more about LFi technology, visit:

Last updated